Understanding the network of Ford dealers
It was a part of Ford’s strategic move to strengthen their network in the country through Ford dealers. Ford dealers have gradually evolved a lot in the logistics and supply chain, supporting the entire sales outlook of the multi-national organization. Prices are absolutely standardized and the bill generation authority lies with the dealer. The strong network of dealers happens to add value towards customer satisfaction and empowerment, assisting them in an uninterrupted supply and service mechanism.
Along with the growth of sales and services of the Ford company, you can also see the wide stretch and distribution of Ford dealers which continues to grow.

Unique service price
This allows the customers to calculate their overall car maintenance costs over a period. Selling genuine body parts in different areas and zones have helped the dealers to win customer confidence and trust.
Overall marketing strategies
Ford dealers are authorized bodies which have been permitted by the parent company to do business across the globe. Advantages within the market in the country account for a strong distribution network and ensuring a micro-level penetration into the market.
Ford is strict in terms of handling complaints from customers as far as the market is concerned. The company ensures that if any dealer is found to be involved in any kind of fraudulent activity, he is subject to immediate suspension by the management of the parent company.
The Ford dealers have strengthened the supply network has played a universal role in expanding the reach and market capture of Ford. In order to keep up the standards and meet the high expectations of the customers, Ford continues to review its policies and code of ethics towards the functioning and operating of these dealers.